Brands Are Like People…

The value you assign to someone is largely based on how the individual makes you feel. It’s how you relate and empathize with a product or service that creates lasting impact. That said, great marketing should influence the unconscious emotionality and the conscious rationality of its recipient. You see, when the consumers mind accepts a brands story as told in its marketing communications, it is both believing the story’s rational tenets and bonding to its emotional meaning. Here are a few questions to consider.

1) What’s Your Secret Sauce?

For so many business entrepreneurs and small businesses, they want to be everything to everyone. A solution to every problem and answer to every desire.

The problem is, they try to fit all their good qualities into one initial message in hopes of hooking a new customer. However, strategy is everything and if you don’t have a specific message focusing on your one great quality, you’ll unfortunately lose your customer in the sea of marketing noise.

2) What’s Your Personality?

What are the verbs you use to describe how you act as a company? What does your photography portray? What is the color scheme and the shapes you use affiliated with your brand… These actions that you take are not accidental, but synchronies and supporting elements to your belief system.

Nothing should be left to chance, but strategically aligned with your purpose, mission, vision, and core values. So when your audience asks, “Who are you really?” Your answer should be a combination of a common topic that your audience is curious about and a belief system that intersects with it.

3) What Conversation Are You Creating?

This authentic trajectory of who you are and why you matter and why you apply those philosophies to the topic of your choice just so happens to be the magical recipe to building a powerful brand.

And this isn’t based on what you say to consumers. It doesn’t stop there. It’s about what your consumers are saying to each other about your brand when your not there.

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