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What I Do

In an over communicated society, the paradox remains that nothing is more important than communication. With an abundance of information in a saturated market, one must bring a level of authenticity and emotional storytelling to be of real U.S.E.


To change behavior, one has to understand behavior, and to understand behavior, one has to understand people.


It’s one thing to know something, it’s entirely another thing to know what to do about it and how to profit from it.


Understanding and strategy inform the execution. The execution creates the bond between brand and customer.

And everything I do is driven by my innate and unending curiosity. That’s what enables me to push further and dive deeper into the world of unknown unknowns as in ‘the things we didn’t know we didn’t know about’. In my opinion what is not said and not done, or nearly said and nearly done, is as important to our learning as what is said and done.